Super Junior Forever[♥]
Wednesday, 31 December 2008
HELLO 2009!!!!
Lalala! HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I'm 16 now! Muahahaha! There are many things i have to complete it this year. I have to study very very hard, cause.... very tak syok ady. Don't like others ppl better than me. So... Keep Fighting! Grr! Joking la. swt. ==b Hello 2009! What's going happen on 2009.... I really dunno leh.... Hope wont die on this year.... swtx
Picha's in JJ
![]() Ngeow: " Money or life?" MenLing: " I want u. *shy" =================================================== They called this 非主流....... ==lll凸.... Back home sleep larh..... ![]() I just drank a cup blank water ![]() In Kbox. LOL. Cipek me. ![]() DBSQ de max. swt. ![]() ================================================== Doorbell Lan yeng. ![]() ======THE END=======
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
My result.
Today i'm going to take my result. And I slept very early last nite. 5am. Izzit very early? XD I just rest few hours nia. Then my parents accompany me took results. Before that, we go ate breakfast together. But I dont have that appetite .hmm too nervous ady. When I reached school, I rushed to the MPH hall to take my result. But WTH??! Short pant are not allowed to take result?!! Bull shit larh u!! The teacher call me take at 2:30pm. Walao? U think my parents so free arh. Zzz. Luckily my fren borrowed me a long jean. And.... Haizz..... 4A's. Damn bad. Then me,doorbell, ah ngeow, sophia, elsa, mimi and her fren V-tjen go jj to "celebrate". swtz. We go sing K then straight back to doorbell's house. 11 sumthing only back home. I'm sooo tired now. Congratz to my frens who get good results ~ Results not good also nevermind. PMr is not a big deal. Study hard next year ya~ P/S: I really like my frenz. MiMi, Sophia, Elsa, Ngeow, Doorbell, U all are too speacial for me. So... <3~~~ (Flying kiss) XD
Monday, 29 December 2008
I'm So Calm
Don't know why. I'm super calm now. Heartbeat = Normal. Maybe I scared tired ady. If I get bad result, then accept the fact lorh. If I get good result, then I should thank god. Zzz. Good result wor. Log on to larh. Hopeless now. Lalalaa. BBQ cancelled ady. Arhhh~~~~ No Chicken wings eat~~~~~ Aikxx.....
Sunday, 28 December 2008
My god brother.
Hahax I have a god brother now. =P He can sing very well. Im totally addicted to his vocal and his song. 只因我爱你 只因为我爱你 因为你早已经在我心里 我对你的爱 不曾忘记 爱在我心里你是唯一 Sweet song. I listen everynite. Hahax. My gor treat me very good. So I will try to be a good mei mei. XD
PMR result countdown = still left ONe DAY! Gosh now my heartbeat jumped faster and faster. Finally my tears drop. Can guess how nervous am I?? As what i say in msn. 借我你的肩膀靠一靠, 或许我会哭得更安心. But that guy wont borrow me his shoulder. Maybe his shoulder is belongs to some other girl. HEART BROKEN!! CRY OUT LOUD!! I should not fall in love to anyone. LOVE MYSELF! I changed my background music. Nice?? 我想我是太过依赖, 在挂电话的刚才 坚持学单纯的小孩, 我舍不得离开 Love It soso much. <3 Labels: JOEANN CRIED ="(
Friday, 26 December 2008
天蠍老婆 誠實為上策 天蠍老婆是個稱職的職業婦女,效率高而且踏實,她們只是好心,好心的幫另一半設想,幫另一半做好!不需要回報,只要對方接受,就開心了! <診斷> 在現代這個人際關係複雜的社會,天蠍老婆是最容易神經緊張的,天蠍座的老婆其實都很笨,只會一股腦兒的一直死命的對另一半好,這樣..卻往往把很多事情給搞砸了。天蠍老婆愛情專一,在她們的情愛觀之中,不要說是一粒砂子,連一隻細菌都容不下。怎麼樣去面對她的佔有慾呢? <治療> 有句諺語「誠實為上上策」,用在與天蠍老婆的相處,真是一個好方法。誠實是最簡單、有效而且沒有後遺症的方式,天蠍老婆雖然愛吃醋,但是尊敬誠實的人。說 謊的老公,比什麼都讓她看扁。與其費心掩飾自己的失常,不如老老實實地招供。天蠍老婆情深義重,她對你的心,可是至死不渝、天長地久。 <叮嚀> 金牛、處女、魔羯老公:天蠍老婆浪漫多情,除了你的薪水之外,她也需要情趣,別像隻呆頭鵝一樣沒有情趣。 雙魚、巨蟹、天蝎老公:有時候她顯得有點神秘,與其關心不如尊重,神秘是天蠍的本色。 牡羊、射手、獅子老公:天蠍老婆喜歡有威嚴的男人,但也要學習細心體貼,別老是笨手笨腳的。 雙子、天秤、水瓶老公:天蠍老婆包容你好交朋友的天性,但請適可而止。 =================================================================== I saw from a forum. It's my horoscope. Hahax. 很准, 有时我只想一心一意地讨好我喜欢的对象, 可是却笨的被搞砸了.
Thursday, 25 December 2008
In the morning, my cousins wake me up. All rush up stair yelling "JOEANN!!" and come in my room. And i was like "What the H***?!" So damn sleepy arh. They some more wan come in my room, U know larh, my room kinda messy. Hahax. Then i down stair lorh. All my cousins are bincang-ing 'bout their Christmas present. Zzz. Why i dont have?! yerr. Hmpphh! Bla Bla bla~ My mum scold me until i cries. Now my eyes very "zhong" liao. But luckily my auntie from USA phone us. She gave me a Christmas present. Hohoho! Merry Christmas ya! =D Atnite we go out dinner with 爷爷, 嬷嬷, and 姑妈. Yerr they so cute! (≥◇≤) And damn funny. I 夹菜 for my 爷爷, Then he keep saying :" Huiyor~ hou lorh hou lorh~ gao lorh gao lorh~" Repeat so many times arh. Lmao. Finally i changed my Blog's layout. Hahax. Thanks to my Biao Mei -Lisa- larh. Teach me edit. Hahax And my blog also got music le. Thx to my gor -Wayne- larh. Hehex Labels: Merry Christmas
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Day Before Christmass.
Zzz. Dunno why my blog is in chinese. Christmass eve le. I dunno wad can i do. Coz my family din celebrate. Last Last time they still will put present in my red socks, But now big liao lorh~ Very notty ler~ No present ler~~ XD Christmass din go everywhere neh... =.= Very lazy to go out... Lonely~ Lonely Christmass. LOL. But luckily my frenz still got online larh. So we chat there lo. Yerr too long din chat with them. Sososo miss them. Miss 3P2 & 3P11 de guys. Suddenly feel like wanna hang out with them. Expecially 3P2 arh. I damn regret last time. Din attended the 3P2 class party at 22th November. Actually they wanna celebrate b'day for me. But i din attend. Sobbxx ... So i bincang with 3P2 classrep lorh. She say okay. Hahax But i dunno other guys can ornot le. Btw, I also chat with MenLing, Mimi & Ngeow. LOL that sei Men ling mouth so busuk. zzz say wad, do sumthing that only 2 ppl can do. Siao arh her. LOL We chat bout held a BBQ at 29th and then sleepover. But i think many ppl cannot ba. Hope can lerr. I wan pillow talk~~ Hahas. Suddenly feel so happy chat with them. XD Too long din fool together le. LOL when i updating my blog suddenly my msn deng deng deng~ Angel send me some voice clips. Aduii Funny dao~~ Such a cute guy larh. XD Zzz. He record jingle Bell. LOL. Jingle Bell~ Jingle Bell~ Jingle Bell Bell Bell~~ ( He sing) LMAO. Merry Christmass. =) Labels: XD
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
My first Blog ^__^
Yeerr... Finally I post sumthing ler.... Actually I open this blog very long time ago.... But i very seldom to update neh... Hmm let me think wad can i write..... Arh My mum din pay my digi bills, So i cant even send out any single msg!! Wuwuwuw ..... Sad arh~~ Im tottaly addicted to Meetoto. Everyday also playing xP. This holiday makes me become a HomeGirl. But im enjoying =D I met many netfrenz inside. Hahax. They are extremely funny. But some of them are weirdo too. =.= Last time Elsa's b'day, we hang out. And we watch "TWILIGHT" OMG!! Such a nice movie! Edward cullen hou yeng ark! >.< I hope i can find a vampire like he. But it is impossible. LOL Labels: Peace |